The Basics of WordPress UX

WordPress UX

These days, millions of people use WordPress websites to connect with their customers. You must cater to them if the purpose is to make them stay on your website. Having ‘user experience (UX)’ at the top of your strategies will help you to make the visitors feel welcomed and give them the opportunity to explore what you are offering.

It doesn’t matter whether you are creating a website or hiring some company for WordPress development services, the following UX basics have to be your top most priority.


  • Clean and Unique Design: The way you present your website to the visitors really matters a lot. Try to make the design as clean and simple as possible. Do not bombard the visitors with garish design, in which they can’t find anything useful.
  • Easy Navigation: If a user visits your website and doesn’t get how to find anything on it, then he will immediately switch to another website. Your goal should be to never make your visitors to work for the information. Make the navigation easy for them and they will stay longer on your website.
  • Fast Load Time: Say good-bye to your visitors if your website doesn’t load in less than five seconds. With the fast growing internet, people have no patience for slow websites.
  • Call to Action: Engage with your visitors by implementing a call to action. For example, ask them to subscribe to a mail or download a sample of something.

Keep in mind these tips and capitalize user experience while building your website. It will help you to engage with your customers in an effective way.