2 Ad Updates made by Google

Google has made 2 changes with respect to ads on the local searches and Google Maps. It was noticed that Google is now showing ads in the Local Finder results. If a person clicks on ‘more places’, then he will see the ad among other results. Local finder results just show 3 search results which have the top ranking. The other search results are displayed when a person clicks on ‘more places’. This point means that if local retailers want to be in the top three search results, then they can use these ads to have more clicks and subsequently better ranking. One thing which should be noticed here is that the Local Finder results depend upon the AdWords location extensions. A spokesperson of Google said: “We’re always testing out new formats for local businesses, but don’t have any additional details to share for now.”   The second change made by the company is that Google Maps in no longer regarded as a Search Partner. Google has said that the advertisers should alert because Maps has been removed from the help pages of AdWords. Other than this big change, Google is going to show only those ads in Maps which include the location extension. The text ads will not be displayed in Google Maps. So, the advertisers who don’t use location extension will see a drop in the clicks and the extensions. Those who use location extension will see a rise in the impressions and clicks. Source: Search Engine Land Also read: Penalty for Unnatural Outbound Links