Email Marketing is Still Alive!

Email Marketing

Email marketing means a strategy adopt by an enterprise in order to send a commercial message to a group of people by the use of electronic email. Email marketing most commonly consists of advertisements, requests for businesses or sales solicitation. Any email communication is considered email marketing if it helps to build customer loyalty, trust in a product or company or brand recognition.
You may have heard people saying that, “it’s obvious that email marketing is dead”. Why? Because receiving emails is often met with a groan. The reason is that an average person gets 121 emails a day. The human race as a whole gets 193.3 billion emails. Business emails account for 108.7 billion. These are big numbers. But there must be a good reason why that much email are circling the globe, and if so, that would mean that claims about the death of email marketing can’t be true.

email marketing is still alive

Let’s have a look at some information which proves that email marketing isn’t dead.

•    According to the Direct Marketing Association, every dollar spent on email marketing gives a return of $44.
•    When it comes to email marketing, most of the technology offered by an email service provider is invisible, while the user interface is easy to learn. Small-business owners consider email marketing easy and cost-effective.
•    95 percent of people who sign up for a newsletter from a recognized brand consider the emails useful.
•    It’s estimated that 91 percent of consumers check emails at least once a day on their smart phones.
•    It is estimated that the click-through rate increases by 158 percent compared to emails without it by adding social sharing buttons.

Email marketing is an essential part of internet marketing and it isn’t dead. Only emails considered as “noise on the line”, boring and spam are the emails that leave a bad impact on email marketing. What is alive and well is smart email marketing.