No Ads on the Right Side of Search Results

No Ads

Google started implementing queries about not showing ads on the right side of the search results, all the way back in 2010. Now, the results of those queries can be seen.

Google has made a big change by removing ads from the right side of the search results. Now, the ads will only be displayed on the top and bottom of the page. Google has also said it may show an extra ad on the top, which will be called “highly commercial queries”. This term is used by Google where it perceives intent to purchase the product by the users.

Many people outside the US notified that they have been seeing ads only at the top and bottom for the last year.

The spokesperson of Google has confirmed that now this change is implemented on all the searches worldwide.

no ads

The spokesperson said:

“We’ve been testing this layout for a long time, so some people might see it on a very small number of commercial queries. We’ll continue to make tweaks, but this is designed for highly commercial queries where the layout is able to provide more relevant results for people searching and better performance for advertisers.”

Google has also said that there are two exceptions to this change. The Product Listing Ad (PLA) and ads in the Knowledge Panel can be shown on the right side. But those ads will be shown if they lie under the category of “highly commercial queries”.


This change in the layout of Google is rolling out worldwide. Many people have termed it as a good change by the Google. The companies providing SEO services who are running bid-to-position campaigns need to change their strategies.

Source: Search Engine Land