iOS 15 latest features

iOS 15 latest features: In June 2021 At WWDC Apple announced iOS 15, the latest major update for the company's iPhone operating system. iOS 15 is finally here and arrived with security fixes, interface changes and dozens of new features. You can install it for free if your iPhone supports...

Best APIs or SDKs for mobile payments in 2020

Best APIs or SDKs for mobile payments: Android Pay | Google Pay: There's no uncertainty about it. Indeed, Android Pay works precisely equivalent to Apple Pay. It's all very easy to set up. To add your Visa Card you can just snap a photo of it, or info it physically....

Apple Announces Its Own Programming Language

At World Wide Developers Conference (WWDC), Apple announced its new programming language for developing apps. "Swift", an open source language, will be a big deal for not only developers, but for the stakeholders of Apple too.Up till now, Apple’s choice of language was Objective C. Many developers have complained about...