How to Improve iPhone Battery Life?


How to improve battery health – Latest Guide

With around 25% overall market share, iPhone users are expanding with the arrival of every new iPhone release. However, users always are conscious about whether their iPhone battery will endure throughout the day or not.

But, do you know the battery life of the iPhone only relies on your iPhone charging habit? Yes! You can improve your iPhone battery life by simply avoiding some charging mistakes.

iPhones and pretty much all other Apple products use Lithium-ion batteries. Significantly because they charge quicker, last more, and weigh less contrasted with the traditional phone batteries.

In any case, all Lithium-ion powered batteries capability exhaust after some time. In basic terms, they age as the gadget gets older. As the battery gets more seasoned, you’ll notice that you’re charging your iPhone way more often than you used to and getting considerably less screen time and battery life, regardless of whether you’re utilizing it.

The best digital marketing agency in UK also prefers using iPhone and Apple devices but with the correct charging habit for better gadget performance.

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Here are some tips that you can use to improve your iPhone battery life:

1. Keep away from extreme temperatures:

Apple has additionally shared the safe temperature range for iOS devices, i.e., is 0° C to 35° C (32°F to 95° F). Although, it’s not conceivable as many spots have temperatures far past the suggested operating range.

Thus, you can either use thick cases to keep them warm or try not to expose your phone to sunlight. Additionally, avoid leaving your iPhone in closed spaces (like vehicles) where there’s less ventilation as it causes an ascent in room temperature.

Many individuals leave their phones in their cars or the glove compartment, which raises the telephone’s temperature. In straightforward terms, heat is a battery killer as it harms the battery capacity. While amazingly cool temperatures harm the battery’s health temporarily.

2. Try not to drain the battery:

Practically all Lithium-ion batteries have a design like this:

(Overcharge Protection Buffer) – [Usable capacity] – (Under-Voltage Protection Buffer) – *Danger Zone* – [Total Cell Failure].

The danger zone is the smudged region from where you could recover, but there’s no assurance of performance after that. Along these lines, it is not prescribed to exhaust the iPhone’s battery to 0% except if you’re calibrating it.

If you have a flighty timetable, you can go charger jumping during that time as it’ll just be considering one complete charge cycle when the battery finishes 100% discharge.

3. Try not to allow your iPhone to overheat during charging:

As referenced previously, heat is a battery killer. Along these lines, ensure that your iPhone doesn’t overheat while it’s charging.

As indicated by Apple, heat harms the battery limit, dissimilar to outrageous chilly climates, which only decreases the battery capacity briefly.

The hotness can change the inner construction of the battery synthetics, which can additionally harm the voltage marker. This is one of important iphone battery charging tips.

4. Use MFi charging accessory:

The poor iPhone battery occurs due to using non-MFi charging accessories. Continuously ensure that both the charging link and the connector are MFi affirmed. MFi is abbreviated as Made for iPod, Made for iPhone, and Made for iPad.

Thus, try to consistently pay your account to the MFi logo on the charging accessories. Many digital marketing services in UK also promote using MFi charging accessories to improve iPhone health.

5. Overnight charging

Many individuals charge their iPhones overnight and let us acknowledge them. Our phones don’t keep going that long on a single charge. However, many people have a misconception that overnight charging can harm battery health. Although, new cell phones have Lithium-ion batteries with overcharge protection software.

iPhone batteries are also made with this technology to keep the battery healthy robust. In addition, you can turn on Optimized battery charging to make sure that you get 100% battery when you get up each day without stressing over overnight charging battery damaging issues.

6. Use Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi indeed utilizes less battery than cell radio. Wi-Fi is typically faster than cellular radio, so it downloads and transfers records much quicker, so neither you nor your iPhone needs to sit tight for long periods. For instance, when you’re watching a YouTube video,

your iPhone will download the video quicker (while you’re watching the video) when on Wi-Fi when contrasted with a cell, bringing about less screen time and battery usage. It further improves your iPhone’s battery health over the long run.

7. Enable Low Power Mode

Low Power Mode limits the amount of battery that your iPhone uses when the battery gets low. It gives you the warning to turn Low Power Mode on when your iPhone’s battery hits 20% and again at 10%. The battery symbol changes to a yellow bar at whatever point it’s turned on. A few components probably may not work or take more time to process as it limits battery usage. It affects the following tasks:

  • Emails
  • “Hello Siri”
  • background applications
  • Auto downloads
  • Visual effects
  • Auto-Lock (defaults to 30 seconds)
  • iCloud Photos

8. Adjust your iPhone battery

It is essential to calibrate the iPhone’s lithium-ion battery intermittently to find the actual range of battery life. Non-calibrated battery causes differences in battery reporting.

For instance, it might hop from 35% to 25% promptly after usage. Many functions like software updates, background apps, and daily usage add to an iPhone battery become erroneously calibrated.

iPhone’s battery can be aligned by only releasing it to 0% and leaving it like that for quite a while and afterward charging it to 100% and an additional an hour or so. And use battery calibration regularly to keep the battery health intact.

So, this is how to extend battery life on your iPhone, we hope this article was helpful for you. Please share with others so they can take advantage of it as well.

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